Time Zone Information

Australia/NSW Time Zone

Daylight Saving Time (DST) Information

How do I determine my time zone?

The Australia/NSW time zone has been deemed obsolete. It has been replaced by Australia/Sydney.

Time Zone

Current Date and Time in Australia/Sydney
Thu 25-Apr-2024 13:49:16


Daylight Saving Time (DST) in effect?

Most Recent DST Transition
DST ended on Sun 7-Apr-2024 at 03:00:00 A.M. when local clocks were set backward 1 hour

Next Scheduled DST Transition
DST will begin on Sun 6-Oct-2024 at 02:00:00 A.M. when local clocks are set forward 1 hour

12:00:00 A.M = MIDNIGHT
12:00:00 P.M. = NOON